

在上世纪80年代和90年代,一种“神奇”的药物被引入治疗脊髓损伤。这种药物被称为Sulomedrol (Methylprednizolone),是辉瑞公司生产的一种合成糖类固醇。耶鲁大学流行病学教授Michael Bracken博士对索洛美卓进行了研究,当时发表了三篇论文,推广索洛美卓对脊髓损伤患者的应用。辉瑞公司在研究小组的帮助下,向医院、急诊室和医官方manbetx手机版生发送了数千封引用已发表论文的积极结果的信件,以推广该药物的使用。公众媒体进一步宣传了一种神奇药物的故事,这种药物可以使瘫痪的病人再次行走。1992年,《时代》杂志发表了一篇题为《治疗脊柱创伤》的文章,描述了这种新药的神奇效果。不用说,辉瑞和Bracken博士进行这项研究和推广使用这种药物都有经济上的冲突。由于脊髓损伤是导致严重残疾的原因,无论是否进行治疗,针对医生未开索美得罗处方的医疗事故诉讼变得流行起来。医学论文对医生的处方率进行了调查,并澄清说,更多的医生因为害怕诉讼而开索洛美卓,而不是那些真正相信它有用的医生。2002年,神经外科协会出版了脊髓损伤治疗指南,而舒洛地罗治疗被认为只是一种治疗选择。 On 2005 the final results of a study comparing treatment of severe head trauma patients with Sulomedrol compared to no treatment. The study included over 10,000 patients and showed significant rise in death rates and morbidity in the treated patients with no benefits for the treatment group. Spine trauma is commonly combined with other injuries and some patients suffering from spinal cord injury are influenced by co-morbidities and hospitalization related complication. After this publication, the objections to steroid use for spinal trauma became more evident. The 2013 neurosurgical guidelines were dramatically changed to a recommendation not to administer Sulomedrol for spinal cord injury patients. Yet, even today spine surgeons around the world are still administering steroids for these patients, admitting to do so because of either belief in clinical benefit or fear of litigation. More than 100,000 people die each year from prescribed medications, and administration of Sulomedrol was shown to be harmful. The rationale thought process for administration of dangerous drug not recommended for use by official guidelines, would be fear of litigation for those administering the drug rather than those not doing so. Needless to say that the negative effects of the drug were not published on any public newspaper, nor was it distributed to physicians by the drug companies.


Ramat Gan,以色列


Harel R

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