Daily Archives:October 10, 2016

Is chromatin remodeling required to modulate embryonic development?

Chromatin remodeling is active critical process during embryonic development and in cellular malignancies such as cancer. Chromatin is the highly condensed form by which the genomic material (DNA) is packaged in the cell nucleus. The fundamental subunit

Prevention of type 2 diabetes: Prevention of beta cell “karoshi”

The number of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) continues to increase despite the recent advances in pharmacological therapies for T2DM. This fact indicates that we still may not sufficiently understand the pathophysiology of this disease. By

Can we predict who will become pregnant after undergoing in vitro fertilization?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a procedure where the egg is fertilized by a sperm in a dish outside of the body and the fertilized ovum is then placed into the uterus. The chance of having a

Metabolites from invasive pests: a threat to the functioning of marine ecosystems and an opportunity for the treatment of ovarian cancer

Mitochondria are cellular cytoplasmic organelles, which take part in a variety of cellular metabolic functions. However, these organelles are generally known as the energy-generating powerhouses of the cell, because they play a fundamental role in the production