Daily Archives:February 20, 2016

Zinc supplementation and allergy

Zinc is an essential trace element and an important factor of approximately 300 human enzymes. It plays an important role in cellular growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The immune system with its fast growing rates is especially dependent

Can pharmacogenetics testing help reduce psychiatric suffering?

Pharmacogenetics testing is relatively new to the field of psychiatry having been introduced only within recent years and at an affordable cost in the clinical setting. The case history illustrated in this report describes how pharmacogenetics testing

GPS? Not only to navigate! Territory monitoring using GPS signals reflected from the soil

The monitoring of the territory is important for many applications, including natural hazards monitoring (floods, fires, land and snow slides), traffic and pollution control, agricultural applications and in general to highlight any critical situations. It can be

Hair analysis as a novel method for the non-destructive and non-invasive monitoring of metal exposure in bats

As a result of human activities, many wild organisms are exposed to increased concentrations of metals in their environment. Urbanized areas are typically more polluted than remote areas due to enhanced emissions of metals mainly by traffic

How can living systems understand external reality to survive better?

Do data given to a subject contain information about something existing outside the subject, or are they mere mental states of the subject? This is a long-standing philosophical problem about the reality of percepts, asking whether sense

Real life treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: impact of deviation from guidelines recommended therapy

Primary liver cancer is one of the most common cancers at the global level. The outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is related to the extent of both tumor and liver disease, which influence the applicability and efficacy